Presenting MORE key findings at the REMESO/Linköping University retreat in Sweden

On April 18, we had a wonderful opportunity to present some preliminary results of MORE Project WP1 at the REMESO/Linköping University retreat held in Söderköping, Sweden.

Professor Zoran Slavnic spoke about the areas of inquiry around which we structured our systematic analysis and cross-country comparison of return and readmission policies, encompassing the EU, eight individual EU countries, and the UK. He discussed the relationship between enforcement and protection, the role of detention, implementation of readmission agreements, understanding of policy effectiveness, and the discursive aspects of policy formulation.

Our discussion of the MORE Project was situated within REMESO’s research stream looking at globalization and the reconstitution of normative and legal frameworks. This stream addresses policy challenges brought about by globalization, EU enlargement, changing governance of migration and related flexibilization of labor markets and the consequential implications for labor standards. It examines regulatory and normative discourses of migration management at one level, and the empirical and policy outcomes of processes of globalization on the European labor market on the other.

Slavnic’s presentation was followed by a lively Q&A session, during which fellow REMESO/Linköping University colleagues could gain better understanding of how the first work package of the MORE project was designed and implemented.

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